Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Well, this is my first time to blog here, it always get kinda quirky when u make a headstart.@@
I must admit that I'm not a good writer, and words often fail me(someone will go: dun blame WORDS! .....=.='), but that's the main point here, to get rid of that mindset and to use the power of words to share and to, in other words overcome my fear of *writing and popping wrong words out*. Feeling all weird, still, (HahHAZ!) (people laugh when they felt speechless, using laughter to overcome embarassment! but hey! nothing in this world, can be substitute by anythg in whtever world.) I'm starting to get this feeling now, to be able to crap whteva and not feel woops "inappropriate" (WUHOOO~~WUHOOO~~) HAhhaHZ! so for a headstart! I'll now post my first question here:
How do you negotiate between societal rules, and personal urges??
and I repeat:
How do you NEGOTIATE (key word) between societal RULES and personal URGES?
(MUAHAHAHAHZ! this is fun!)

ohkay, mayb I should elaborate a bit on this on how did I came out with this question
hmm, basicall, it popped out of no where~
but well, I've seen people who follow rules precisely, I've seen people who do things base on their own feeling (basically, I'm one of them, though I'm still constrained and stuck in living for other peopl cz at times, I do care how people think of me.), but WHAT ARE RULES? which are Rules? how would you know, (some people would say, I jz know~=X) what is appropriate and inappropriate? how would you evaluate and fix your rules?

hmm.. my possible answers for this is:
everyone lives based on their own rules. They set their own rules and at times, they expect others to follow their rules. When others are not follwing their rules, they feel that's *inappropriate* and the societal rules, is built up, with
1. either there's a powerful leader/influential person who set up the rule, and everyone feel inferior to not follow or,
2. the majorities follow the same rule.
but does that mean the minorities are wrong? does that mean rules set by people who do not follow the traditions are wrong?

Lee Kuan Yew did mention about having everyone to follow the rules and create a harmonious societal context will enable everyone to enjoy freedom most. (please do correct me if I'm wrong)
I agree to certain extend. but to me, rules aren't meant to be follow, if they are applicable enough to you, and meet your believes, you will act out of it, now, that won't be a rule anymore, that would be your personal urge. hmm.. come to think of it, mayb it's a combination of both!! hahaz!
ohkay, so I'll stop here for now, and hope to get some comments and opinions on my post! =)

good day people! =)