Monday, November 2, 2009

Battle 1: Art vs Science

Man, how to start this thing? Hmm... But first of all, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone, everything, every movement, every moment and every happenings in my life today. =)
Though not feeling really well, I say to myself (well, obviously not myself.. HAhAHZ!) that I'm going to have a very happy day today, and so I did! It was a great day, and also a day of gratitude, felt really thankful and grateful for everything. *BIG WIDE SMILE! with a BIG WIDE ULCER*
OHkay, I'll start with my real post now. I wanted to write about this for quite some time already, but I seriously do not know where to start and how. Today's topic is.. Art versus Science.
Maybe we'll start with a verse: art is not a luxury but necessity. This is so so so true. And what I'm gona write today is regarding the long forgotten importance of art by people nowadays.
To many people, art- music, literature, drawings, dance etc. these are not necessities but things that u can't earn money with, things that u don't really need it, things that u shudn't focus on, things that are second to science. Though personally, I disagree with the idea.
According to my old oxford dictionary, ART refers to the creation of what is beautiful whereas SCIENCE is decribed as knowledge arranged in an orderly manner. The difference between the both is, Science is seemingly more "discipline" whereas Art as more disorganized and "flowery".
Let's step back into the past, where ancient people are dancing around the fire, when human beings are singing to express, when arts is so important. (Though I did not study much on this but hmm! mayb I can start writing a research paper on this. HAhAZ!) Eversince the evolution, Science has replaced Art, and also the presume importance of science in this society. I'm not saying that science isn't important, but wht I'm trying to do here is to let you link Art and Science. When they are actually the same thing, just that they are *marketed* in a different way. People often relate science with facts and spirituality/art as hallucination. But have u ever thought of this, if people who are non-atheist cannot prove that what they meant are true, scientist too, can't prove that they are right. How on earth would you know that the precision that is seemingly *precise* is actually *precise*? (u got wht I mean? HAhAHZ!) Art is a way to express your inner emotions, thoughts, soul and life. I foresee this as so much more important than to identify what are the chemicals found in the soil, how many planets are there in this universe. So, what if u knew? It's good to explore, it's good to know, but that shouldn't be put as a priority. (U may disagree with me of course, this is just my personal opinion.) Everything in this world needs to be proven. This is not cause by how our world is designed but was caused by the way human beings design it. I feel that people are still stuck in a world where we need to prove, we need numbers, we need facts, don't talk to me if u can't show me the paper and ink.
We were discussing about education system nowadays in class just now and our lecturer asked us about our opinion on ways to improve our education system. Look at the subjects in our primary school education, would you agree with me if I say parents and teachers put a lot of focus on science in school and at home? You would always hear parents asking children to be a doctor, lawyer, accountant etc. jobs that are *neat* but u will seldom hear parents asking their children to be what they wanna be, or, to encourage them in pursuing arts like being a musician, artist, writer, director etc. That's how the mindset is implanted at first. It's a cycle again, a trend. I foresee the future as a mixture of arts and science and hope to find balance in both but not, jz paying focus on one side. It's is important to know, yet, it is also very important to express. Humans are wired in a way where we have our senses, to see, to feel, to touch, to hear, to taste and also to sense. We have our emotions, feelings. This is where arts came from. To connect to people, arts is no more a non-important element. It is essential to express your thoughts and feelings freely, this is what arts are for. Many people thought that in order to create art, you need to have talent. But what we are talking now here is about expression. Everyone can do it and everyone does it. It's just that we don't know that we are doing it. We scribble, we draw. Though to others it might be a piece of crap, but it meant something no matter how because it came out from you. It might be reflecting your boredom, might be reflecting your thoughts, your frustration, but in a way, you are releasing yourself. Art is not expensive. It is us human who made it as if it's expensive. I hope that people do realise that ART is not a luxury but a necessity. And it plays an important role in our life too, just like science.

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